Voting Information
Vote411.org, a one-stop-shop for nonpartisan election-related information, was created by the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF). Below are some questions our local League receives about voter registration.
How do I register to vote?
The county clerk’s office is responsible for voter registration. The county clerk website also has details on eligibility and deadlines.
The League and other organizations also regularly hold voter registration drives throughout Arkansas. You can contact us if you need help registering to vote.
I filled out the voter registration application. How will I know I'm registered?
Never assume you are registered to vote until you receive a voter registration card in the mail from the county clerk. You can also verify your voter registration online . If the deadline to register in time to vote in a specific election is approaching and you haven't received a voter registration card, call your county clerk’s office.
Then don't forget to vote! Remember that local elections make a huge impact in your daily life and the lives of those in your community.
Stay up-to-date on voting and election news by signing up for our newsletter and following us on social media @lwvwc.
Feel passionate about voting? Consider joining the League and help us further our mission of empowering voters and defending democracy!
I am a college student. Should I register where I'm living during school or at my primary home?
Students can choose either their primary home or the location they live as a student, but must choose only one.
I moved, but I still live in Washington County. Do I need to update my voter registration?
Yes! Every time you move in Arkansas, even within the same county, it is extremely important to update your voter registration so you are able to vote in all local elections, like those for the school board, city council, and county justices of the peace.
I filled out the voter registration application. How will I know I'm registered?
Never assume you are registered to vote until you receive a voter registration card in the mail from the county clerk. You can also verify your voter registration online . If the deadline to register in time to vote in a specific election is approaching and you haven't received a voter registration card, call your county clerk's office.
Who should I contact if I have an issue voting or witness an issue during an election?
In Washington County, there are three main entities responsible for overseeing elections:
Washington County Election Commission
- Responsible for coordinating and administering federal, state, and local elections in Washington County.
Arkansas Secretary of State’s Elections Division
- Assists county officials with conducting federal, state, and district elections, partially by ensuring compliance with federal election laws.
- Maintains Arkansas’s statewide voter registration system and oversees training on electronic voting systems.
- Serves as a clearinghouse for campaign finance reports.
- Maintains election records, journals and acts of the legislature, and all incorporations of and annexations of cities and towns.
Arkansas State Board of Election Commissioners
- Investigates complaints of alleged election misconduct and election law violation.
- Monitors compliance by local election authorities of federal and state election laws.
- Develops education for candidates and county election administrators.
- Distributes funds to the counties for state-supported political party primary elections, nonpartisan judicial general elections, special primary elections, and statewide special elections.
Still have questions or need help registering? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help!